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Interview Coaching Services

Supporting Your Success

The first step in our process is to invite you to a 10 minute introductory call OR ask you to fill in our pre-interview questionnaire.

Our aim is to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and get an idea of where we might need to focus. The more information you provide, the more we can tailor the Clever Careers service to your needs.

We will then introduce you to the Clever Careers team and tell you what we can do for you. We will want to hear about your expectations and between us we can work out a potential way forward. Have your diary or online calendar ready so we can book in as many sessions as you feel you need before your upcoming interview.


Please note that while we do try and work as flexibly as possible to accommodate clients, we do ask for at least one week’s notice of any upcoming job interviews. 

NB: Clever Careers does offer an emergency appointment service, as we realise there are times when clients will be offered job interviews at short notice, but this is charged at an extra cost. 

The potential total cost for the Clever Careers service will be discussed with clients at the initial consultation stage.

Mind Mapping Service


A tried and tested technique for clients lacking in confidence, Clever Careers will produce a mind map of a client’s strongest qualities, based on the pre-consultation questionnaire and job application form information. This is a perfect way to kick-start job interview preparation as starting is often the most difficult part.

Consultation around key questions that might come up at interview.


Before this session you will receive a list of potential interview questions from Clever Careers that has been devised from the job specification, job description and job application form details. This session works best when the client comes up with potential responses to approx. six questions that can be discussed and expanded. The idea is that the session will boost confidence before the mock interview – perfect for those clients who struggle with pre-interview anxiety.

Last Minute Morale Boost


After the mock interview some clients really find it useful to talk through last minute nerves. At this point Clever Careers will go over some interview tips including the need for positive body image and adopting a style that is professional, friendly and natural.

Consultation around stressful/nerve-inducing areas


This first session is your chance to be completely honest about the upcoming interview – if we don’t know about something we can’t help to put it right. We will go through the questionnaire responses and discuss any worries or concerns you have. For some people it is helpful to discuss managing those pre-interview nerves at this stage but for others, the key issue might be to stay focused on the questions at hand. This is the time that resources from the Clever Careers library are shared.

Mock Interview (questions agreed in advance or a blind interview)


This is usually done via Zoom or telephone call. There are two ways in which this can be done. It can either be done formally, as close as possible to a real interview, with all feedback given at the end. Or for those clients not quite ready for a formal interview, feedback can be given after each question response, allowing clients time to edit and tweak their responses, in readiness for either a formal mock interview with Clever Careers or the interview with their potential new employer.

Question Trouble Shooter Service


One of Clever Careers’ favourites, this telephone or Zoom call service allows us to go over possible tricky interview question responses with clients, provide reassurance and a friendly listening ear. This service can be an add-on to a package or purchased in its own right.

All Clever Careers services can be purchased individually or in blocks, which can work out more cost effective.

Job application services coming soon, please ask for more details.

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